Use this service to get your NHS number.
Your NHS number is a 10 digit number, like 485 777 3456.
You do not need to know your NHS number to use NHS services, but it can be useful to have it.
Who can use this service
You can use this service if you live in England. You can also use this service for someone else.
Before you start
We'll ask for your name, date of birth and postcode. We'll send a text, email or letter with your NHS number to you.
If you're using this service for someone else, enter their details. They'll be sent their NHS number.
Start nowOther ways to get your NHS number
If you cannot get your NHS number online you can:
- find it on any letter from the NHS like a prescription or appointment letter
- call your GP surgery and ask them for your number
About using this service
By using this service you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and privacy policy.
Self Care and Help - Keep Well
Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our team of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of clinics and services to promote good health and wellbeing whatever your medical condition. The practice promotes self care/help and is here to help guide patients to the appropriate service and organisations.
Self Care Station - Established in reception with leaflets for self care. A-Z Leaflets are available to patients easily, information and leaflets are kept in draws labelled A-Z and anything a patient asks for should be there. If the patient asks for a leaflet we haven't got the reception staff will be happy to arrange for this to be added and get a copy to the patient.
The Practice Updates the Boards and Posters in the reception area on a monthly basis advertising what's going on that Month
Four Folders have been made for Reception Self-care Station and they contain the following information:
Self Care - Information on how patients can Self Care
Activity Folder – Community Events and what’s happening
Voluntary Organisations Folder – Details of organisations to help patients
Practice information Folder- Contains everything the patient needs to know about the practice
Health A to Z - NHS (
FLU Vaccinations have been given to patients from 1st October 2024 to 31st Jan 2025
Any patient requesting the flu vaccination from Feb 2025 will be directed to the pharmacy.
Patients are being invited to book a vaccination for RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus which is a respiratory virus common over the winter period. Tel: 01274 778400
The Government and NHS England recommend patients to have the MMR Vaccination
Please book an appointment today
Measles is a very infectious viral illness that is spread by coughs and sneezes. If you are not protected and have even passing contact with someone who has measles, the chances are that you will be infected too. If you catch measles you will probably feel very poorly and be off school or work for around 10 days. There is no treatment or cure for measles.
Symptoms of measles include fever, sore red eyes, and rash. It can be a very serious infection for some people.
Complications are more likely to occur in certain groups including people with weakened immune systems, babies under one year old and pregnant women. Complications can include chest and ear infections, fits, diarrhoea, encephalitis (infection of the brain) and brain damage. Those who develop complications may need to be admitted to hospital for treatment.
Measles is serious, around one in 5,000 individuals with measles is likely to die and since 2006, there have been 3 deaths from measles in England and Wales.
Shingles is an infection of a nerve and the area of skin around it. It is caused by the herpes varicella-zoster virus, which also causes chickenpox.
Following chickenpox infection, the virus can lie dormant in the nervous tissue but may reappear following reactivation as shingles. It is possible to have shingles more than once.
A new vaccination programme has been introduced for 2024 please ring the Practice and book your appointment
Help with understanding health care
Self Care Station - Established in reception with leaflets for self care. A-Z Leaflets are available to patients easily
Four Folders have been made for Reception Self-care Station and they contain the following information:
Self Care- Information for patients on to how to self care
Activity Folder – Community Events and what’s happening
Voluntary Organisations Folder – Details of organisations to help patients
Practice information Folder- Contains everything the patient needs to know about the practice