Our practice aims to provide you with the best possible treatment and advice at all times and to help you to keep healthy. We are committed to ensuring high standards of care for you and your family and we seek your support in working together. Reviewed by the Practice Manager 22/01/2025
Our commitment to our patients is to:
- Treat you as an individual, with courtesy and respect at all times;
- Offer quickly the most appropriate care, given by suitably qualified people who will explain your condition and treatment programme to you in a simple and understandable way;
- Ensure the premises are clean, comfortable and accessible and the appointment times are flexible to meet your needs;
- Offer you a consultation for a non-urgent appointment within a reasonable timescale depending on clinical priority;
- For urgent cases, offer you an appointment on the same day though this may not be with the doctor of your choice;
- Provide home visits, to the genuinely housebound or seriously ill, although the visiting doctor may not be the doctor of your choice. Prior to making a home visit, we may wish to seek from you brief clinical details of your condition, this will enable the doctor to assess your need;
- Endeavour to provide repeat prescriptions within two working days, subject to clinical need;
- Inform you when you arrive at the Surgery of any expected delays beyond your appointment time;
- Give you access to your health records, in accordance with current legislation and treat all information / personal details in the strictest confidence.
In return and to enable us to provide the best possible service, we ask you to:
- Tell us if you are worried or unsure of any aspect of your condition or treatment;
- Arrive in good time for an appointment and if you have to cancel an appointment, please do so well in advance;
- Endeavor to contact us prior to 10.00am if seeking a home visit or, if at night only when you are too ill to attend the Surgery the following day;
- Request your repeat prescriptions well in advance;
- Treat the practice team with courtesy and respect at all times;
- Follow all advice and complete any course of medication your doctor offers you;
- Advise us promptly of any changes to your name and address.
Points to remember
A GP has a right to remove patients from his/her list and may do so if:
- a patient moves outside the practice area;
- if a patient repeatedly fails to attend booked appointments without telephoning to cancel;
- the GP considers that there has been an irreversible breakdown in relationship with the patient. We only remove patients from our list in extreme cases.
Updated 22/01/2025