
                                                                  Call 111 when it's less urgent than 999


You Said - We Did

The Practice is always looking at working ways and how to improve services and communication with patients. Through the Patient Participation Group, word of mouth, advertising, comments, compliments and complaints we have worked the following.

The Practice is working towards 'Modern general Practice'

You Said - We Did 

The Practice listens to patients needs and has implemented new ways of working. Patients now have a choice of face to face appointments or telephone appointments. We also offer online/digital access where patient's can go online to our website www.moorparkmedicalpractice and complete a PATCH's referral for a Consultation or administration request by clicking the link button.

The PATCH's digital system offers patient's new ways of contacting the services they require.

The Practice also offers Enhanced Access and out of hours appointments on an evening and on a Saturday morning these include GP, ANP, Physio, Mental health, Welfare help, bloods, smears and blood pressure.

The Practice continues to work towards the Modern General Practice Improvement plan this includes updating our telephone communication system to enable us to direct patients to the correct service and give up to date information.

The Practice had a new digital telephone system installed in February 2024 and this has improved patient access. the system now allows patients to queue in the system and informs them of the number in the queue.

The new telephone system allows the Practice to run reports to show:

  • How many calls come in on a daily/weekly and monthly basis
  • How many calls are missed
  • how many dropped calls

The Bradford integrated care Board are looking at these searches and also looking at how the Practice offer appointments by using 'Appointment Mapping' 

Mindfulness Garden Project

The Practice continues to work with Voluntary organisations and in 2024 volunteers worked with practice and NHS porperty services on the central garden. the volunteers cleared the area and pruned tree's and shrubs and planted new flower beds. The area can be used for staff and patients and creates a calm and tanquil place to sit in the sunshine.

PCN5 Social Prescribers continue to work with our patients and PCN5 now offer other services which include Cancer Care co ordinators and Mental Health appointments for patients . Social prescriber work with patients who are isolated, vulnerable, lonely, anxious and lots more. The Social Presciber works alongside the Practice staff and Mental health Workers helping patients with all social problems. Referrals will be made to outside services and voluntary organisations.

Tree Planting Update - 2025

The Practice worked with Bradford Council in 2023 with a Tree Planting Project this involved some new siblings being planted around the Health Centre which will help with the car fumes from the road, giving cleaner air around the health center.

Update - January 2025 the tree's are now well established and enhance the look and feel of the area outside the building.


The Practice continue to listen to patients regarding how they prefer to access appointments at the Practice and we offer both face to face and telephone appointments with the GP's ANC, Nurse and HCA's. These  appointments are continually monitored and changes are made to rota's according to demand.

Patients continue to request more flexibilty with appointment times so the Enhanced Access continues to work for pateints who require appointments outside of normal Practice hours. Pateints are offerred weekend and evening appointments. services include seeing a GP, Nurse, HCA, Mental Health Worker, Welfare worker, Physio, Paediatric appointments and many more services.

Patients are given a choice when they book appointments reception care navigate to get the best outcome for the patients.

 Help with understanding health care

Self Care Station - Established in reception with leaflets for self care. A-Z Leaflets are available to patients easily

Four Folders have been made for Reception Self-care Station and they contain the following information:

Self Care- Information for patients on to how to self care

Activity Folder – Community Events and what’s happening

Voluntary Organisations Folder – Details of organisations to help patients

Practice information Folder- Contains everything the patient needs to know about the practice

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